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Startup VS Corporate!

Which is a better option to work after your graduation?

An aspiring graduate looking forward to a successful future ahead of them is always stuck between the dilemma of having to choose between an established corporate or a new start-up venture to work at. There are many factors that should be considered while making this decision. But unfortunately, the majority of these factors are not even known to the students because proper guidance is not available about it.
Let us go through some comparative points between the two so you can have a  clear scenario before giving your consent for your dream job.

If there is a sense of doubt in the back of your mind about what to do, a startup role can help you gain skills and insight into multiple positions. You will gain skills you never thought of having first. Working for a startup is the best way to gain as many skills as possible while working under one designation which is practically not possible with a big shot corporate in a shorter period. But at the same time corporate allows you to dedicated invest your time and interest in one particular skill and master it over time. This makes you a valuable asset for the company and your future ventures as well.

Set in early with a startup that makes it big and you’ll never have to worry about money again! This is why so many people are so inclined to put in the hard work for a startup over an established corporate, because they know the payoff it will bring them later on, but if you are having the sword of education loans and family finances over your head then a healthy first income from corporate should be your first choice.



As the strength of a startup is low. You will have to take up multiple responsibilities as an individual and explore more work areas that would not have been possible if you were working in a corporate. That is one thing we can assure you is that you will face more problems in a Startup.  Startup struggles build character and help you find out what you’re truly made of. Prepare to be a significant part of the decision-making process.

-You’ll have the opportunity to experiment with a startup. Identifying and solving problems has one major professional upside: it allows you to grow your skillset and try new things. This is one of the major perks of choosing a startup over a corporate company. If you want to be the experimental person you are in your life than a startup is the best suited for you.


The creative freedom of a start-up is splendid. No good CEO of a start-up will hold you back from trying something new. This is how companies deliver results with fresh designs and new concepts that their competition can’t. But when it comes to corporate there is a pre-defined set of instructions and a dedicated approach for you which is drafted for you to follow. This might hamper the creativity in you but will also cut the pressure of overthinking and performing something out of the box which usually leads to performance depreciation.

Consider these points and think over it before making the crucial decision. We hope our take on this comparison comes in handy for you.