Objectives - Training & Placement Cell
The purpose of the cell is to find out the gap between the need of the industry and the end product of the institute.
The Cell is the bridge between the industry, the real world, and the institute. One of the objectives is also to offer programmes fulfilling the needs of continuing education of industrial personnel.
The Cell imparts benefits to all components like students, faculty, institute, and industry by interacting closely with the industries.
The Cell also facilitates aspiring students by providing Industrial Visits, Projects, Soft-skills Training, Industry Meets, Career Orientation, and Expert Lectures by respective professionals.
About Training & Placement Cell and their Activities
About Training & Placement Cell and their Activities At Swarrnim, there is a separate dedicated wing Training & Placement Cell, which takes care of all the Placement & Training related activities. This Cell is fully equipped with all modern infrastructures and is lead by thorough professionals. Training & Placement cell @ Swarrnim plays an important role. A placement cell is for the most part comprises of a whole board that helps understudies amid graduation. Training & Placement Cell will help you prepare for interview. They will likewise give you tips about enhancing your resume with the goal that you stroll into an interview, arranged and prepared to confront your potential boss for this placement cell is very important. The Cell provides guidance and all the assistance to the students to achieve their career goals. The Cell conducted the soft skills development programme, Aptitude tests, Group Discussions, Job oriented courses and special training programs, guest lectures and invites corporate from renowned Companies and educational sectors for training students
Why Recruit at Swarnim Startup & Innovation University
The Training & Placement cell ofSwarrnim Startup & Innovation University plays an important role in placement planning well in advance. Students get Job Placement in their 7th Semester [Pre Final semester] starting onwards. There is one more interesting fact coming; because of the placements happening for the engineers at the starting of the 7th Semester, the brighter ones are the immediate picks by the leading industries with very good packages. These are the students which once relieved from campus placement and assured of a red carpet with secured future at the end of the graduation, then focuses for IIM / IIT / Studies for Abroad etc and because of the confidence prevailing vide campus success; there are very likely chances of such students making it to premier institutions in India and abroad.
The Students of Swarrnimfulfilled meeting of expectations, leadership, developing new ideas, multi-talented and most of all work on multiple issues at the same time and they still meeting expectations of certain level.
The students of Swarrnim have been placed in various higher positions in highly reputed National and Multi-national organization through campus placement program. All the students recruited have proved to be a great asset to all the companies/organizations that they have joined. We have witnessed these students achieving great heights in their life from CEO’s to Entrepreneurs.

Training & Placements
Mr.Vijayant Kumar
Contact: +91-6399595659
Mr.Vijayant Kumar is heading Corporate Resource Centre for Swarrnim Startup & Innovation University. He has a rich experience of more than 20 years in Training and Development with many esteemed organizations such as Lovely Professional University, Chandigarh Group of Colleges, G.L.A. University etc. His keen interest and expertise in Professional Relations and Networking has successfully helped him to establish relations with National and International organizations of repute.